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Another Trump official who forgot her Gingko before she testified before congress

Another Trump official who forgot her Gingko before she testified before congressby digby

K.T. McFarland was a Fox Newser who had once worked in PR in the Reagan administration when Trump brought her on board the White House as a high level national security expert. And like so many before her, she has a serious memory problem:

An email sent during the transition by President Trump’s former deputy national security adviser, K.T. McFarland, appears to contradict the testimony she gave to Congress over the summer about contacts between the Russian ambassador and Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn.

Ms. McFarland had told lawmakers that she did not discuss or know anything about interactions between Sergey I. Kislyak, who had been Moscow’s ambassador to the United States, and Mr. Flynn, according to Senate documents.

But emails obtained by The New York Times appear to undermine those statements. In a Dec. 29 message about newly imposed Obama administration sanctions against Russia for its election interference, Ms. McFarland, then serving on Mr. Trump’s transition team, told another transition official that Mr. Flynn would be talking to the Russian ambassador that evening.
As part of the confirmation process, Ms. McFarland testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in July. After the hearing, Senator Cory Booker, Democrat of New Jersey, asked her in writing: “Did you ever discuss any of General Flynn’s contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak directly with General Flynn?”

“I am not aware of any of the issues or events as described above,” Ms. McFarland replied.

Mr. Booker said in a statement on Monday that the newly surfaced emails were disconcerting.”

They all have weird memory loss when it comes to Russians. Go figure…


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