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Crippled America is great again and yet nothing has changed

Crippled America is great again

by digby

And yet nothing has changed:

The Republican National Committee spent more than $224,000 at President Donald Trump’s private Mar-a-Lago club in March, according to newly filed FEC reports. The expenditures, which were for rental and catering fees, were to cover the costs of an RNC fundraiser there early in the month. It was, far and away, the largest amount that the committee has spent at that specific Trump property (in January, the RNC spent $62,700 at Mar-a-Lago) and it is a reflection of how the president’s private business holdings continue to be intertwined with his political activities. Mar-a-Lago didn’t see every cent of the $224,857.68 spent by the RNC, since much of it was reimbursement for hosting the event. But it did certainly profit from the fundraiser, in addition to the added allure and promotional value that came with hosting. Outside of that expense, the RNC dropped nearly $30,000 for venue rental and catering at the Trump National Doral in Miami. It also spent $4,796.82 on “donor mementos” to Simon & Schuster.

What a sweet sweet scam. The idea that a president who won by calling his opponent “Crooked Hillary” and promising to put her in jail, is directly making a profit from the presidency is just too perfect.

The expense report does not detail which book the committee purchases in order to give to donors. But Simon & Schuster is the publishing house for Trump’s book, Crippled America, which was later retitled Great Again.

Can we all share a good laugh about the fact that Trump’s book called “Crippled America” has just been repackaged as “Great Again” with no changes to the content?

Time for a drink. You can’t make this stuff up.


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