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Grab your guitar. Pack extra avocado toast. It’s on! by @BloggersRUs

Grab your guitar. Pack extra avocado toast. It’s on!
by Tom Sullivan

As Blast Thunderpatch long ago predicted, the #SecondCivilWar is finally on. A dispatch from The Hill explains:

Social media users mocked InfoWars founder and host Alex Jones for predicting that Democrats are planning to start a civil war on July 4.

The conspiracy theorist tweeted his prediction on Monday, accompanied by a video in which he claimed that “elite publications” were calling for a “civil emergency” using civil unrest and “racial strife” to force out President Trump.

And so Twitter user Amanda Blount launched the hashtag #secondcivilwarletters Monday night. An homage to Ken Burns’s Civil War documentary, the tag exploded on Tuesday with tens of thousands joining battle. A running theme in early tweets was troops running short of avocado toast.

Quickly, celebrities enlisted.

Republican apostate Rick Wilson delivered especially withering fire:

Like oysters storming a beach, thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more:

The fighting went long yesterday and promises to continue into Independence Day.

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