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Funniest headline of the day

Funniest headline of the day

by digby

Via Politico:

Three Senate Democrats voted for William Barr to be attorney general. Now at least two of them say they might have made a mistake.

After revelations that special counsel Robert Mueller took issue with Barr’s presentation of the Russia investigation findings, a pair of centrist Democrats said they are having second thoughts about having supported Barr’s confirmation earlier this year.

Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.), who is the most vulnerable Democratic senator up for reelection next year, said he is “greatly, greatly disappointed in what I am seeing in the attorney general.” While Barr did follow through on releasing a redacted version of the Mueller report and didn’t quash the investigation, Jones now has much deeper concerns.

“I also thought he would bring this institutional stability to the Department of Justice — and not be the president’s personal lawyer. And he seems like he is moving and has moved toward a less independent role,” Jones said in an interview. “That bothers me for the 12 remaining investigations out there.”

Asked whether he regretted his vote, Jones replied: “I’m getting close to that. I haven’t said that yet. But it sure is so disappointing. I’m getting close. You might want to check tomorrow” after he reviews the hearing.

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who also initially supported Barr, said if Mueller’s issues with Barr prove out, “Absolutely, I have buyer’s remorse. I would have made a big mistake.” Manchin said he will lean on Senate Judiciary Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to bring Mueller in for a hearing, though Graham has said he has no plans to do so.

“It’s troubling, absolutely. The difference between the interpretation between what Mueller really meant and what he intended. And he thought he didn’t present it properly. And Barr said he basically did represent properly,” Manchin said. “We’ve got to get that cleared up. And I would encourage my friend Lindsey Graham to bring Mueller in as quickly as possible.”

The third Democrat who supported Barr, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, has requested a meeting with Barr about the discrepancies between his view of the special counsel’s report and Mueller’s, an aide said.

Red state Democrats always think they will somehow benefit from votes like this and they never do. Jones and Sinema are up for election and Manchin is just … Manchin. But the only way they will keep their seats in 2020 is if there is if Democrats win a decisive victory. They certainly won’t win because they voted with the Republicans for William Barr. To wring their hands about it now is just silly.


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