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Time for Them All to Step Up by tristero

Time for Them All to Step Up 

by tristero

I think Digby’s right. We can’t be sure that Mueller fully understands what the Trump administration is capable of doing. He should have seen Barr’s tactics coming. And apparently, he didn’t. And it’s unclear that Mueller fully understands that he must step up and sound the alarm clearly as soon as possible — no “going to paper,” but a clear direct unequivocal discourse on how much Trump and his cronies are damaging this country.

Another point: It is unlikely that Mueller —who managed an wide-ranging investigation — is fully conversant with all the nuances and complexities of every aspect of what his team found. About all the cases in which Trump obstructed justice, for example.

That is why it is critical that all investigators at the Office of the Special Counsel be called to testify to Congress. For many reasons, it is also critical that they all be called immediately. There is no reason why Mueller couldn’t testify on, say, a Monday, and that each attorney involved testify in the days after for a week or more.

Let all the Special Counsel’s attorneys speak publicly.

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