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Barr doesn’t care about being popular. And that’s good because the public is not impressed.

Barr doesn’t care about being popular. And that’s good because the public is not impressed.

by digby

Not that it matters because his job is to be Trump and the conservative movement’s henchman, but still — it’s interesting. Apparently, even a few Trump supporters either don’t a have an opinion or don’t think he handled it well:

According to the latest POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, fewer than 3 of 10 voters (29%) approve of the way Attorney General William has handled the release of the Mueller report. Less than 4 of 10 voters (39%) disapprove, and nearly a third of voters (32%) expressed no opinion. Voters remain divided on whether Barr’s primary goal in releasing information from the investigation was to inform the public of Mueller’s findings or to limit scrutiny of President Trump’s actions. While 35 percent say Attorney General Barr has mostly worked to protect Trump, another 32 percent say Attorney General Barr has mostly tried to inform the American people; 32 percent were undecided.

I’m going to guess that a lot of this has to do with the fact that the Fox News coverage is very opaque on all this, mostly just repeating the “no collusion, no obstruction” mantra so quite a few Republicans don’t have a clue about the controversy.

Democrats are more likely to the reality:

“Democratic voters are more likely to view Attorney General William Barr unfavorably in the aftermath of his contentious battle with congressional Democrats,” said Tyler Sinclair, Morning Consult’s vice president. “Two weeks ago, before his Senate Judiciary [Committee] hearing, 44 percent of Democrats had an unfavorable opinion of Barr, compared with 54 percent who said the same in this week’s poll.”

As the field of 2020 candidates grows, sixty-six percent of voters think the Republican party should nominate President Trump again. If the presidential election were held today, more than half of voters (53%) said they would ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ vote for someone else, with nearly 4 of10 (37%) voters saying they ‘probably’ or ‘definitely’ vote to re-elect President Trump.

37% represents the core of Trump’s support. They haven’t budged since the day he was elected. It’s fairly obvious that there is literally nothing that will budge them.

Here’s a link to the full article. The above is from an email.


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