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Please, Please Wake UP, Ye Talking Heads by tristero

Please, Please Wake UP, Ye Talking Heads 

by tristero

On Rachel Maddow right now, I just heard Neal Katyal, the author of the Special Counsel regulations, claim that when the claims of executive privilege over the full Mueller report reach the Supreme Court, that they will turn Trump down just like Nixon was turned down during Watergate.

Not. Likely. To. Happen.

Katyal seems decent, he obviously knows what he’s talking about when it comes to the law and clearly believes Trump has to be removed from office. But despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, he, like a lot of people, still believes the Republican-controled federal and judicial branches will continue to abide by 70 year-old plus norms.

Sad to say, those rules, always poorly observed, completely disappeared some time in the summer of ’16. This is a whole new political world we’re living in and assuming that a Supreme Court packed with the likes of Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Alito and Roberts has any interest in adjudicating by any standard except rank partisanship is frankly antiquated thinking.

Once SCOTUS rules on Trump’s bogus claim of executive privilege after the horse has left the barn, I’ll reference this post. We’ll see whether my cynicism was warranted. I would so love to be proven wrong.

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