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Corrupt all the way down

Corrupt all the way down

by digby

This is a truly stunning development:

Paul J. Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman who is serving a federal prison sentence, had been expected to be transferred to the notorious Rikers Island jail complex this month to await trial on a separate state case.

But last week, Manhattan prosecutors were surprised to receive a letter from the second-highest law enforcement official in the country inquiring about Mr. Manafort’s case. The letter, from Jeffrey A. Rosen, Attorney General William P. Barr’s new top deputy, indicated that he was monitoring where Mr. Manafort would be held in New York.

And then, on Monday, federal prison officials weighed in, telling the Manhattan district attorney’s office that Mr. Manafort, 70, would not be going to Rikers.

Instead, he will await his trial at a federal lockup in Manhattan or at the Pennsylvania federal prison where he is serving a seven-and-a-half-year sentence for wide-ranging financial schemes, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

A senior Justice Department official said that the department believed Mr. Manafort’s treatment was appropriate, but several former and current prosecutors said the decision was highly unusual. Most federal inmates facing state charges are held on Rikers Island.

The intervention of Mr. Rosen was just the latest twist in the case of Mr. Manafort, whose campaign work for Mr. Trump and political consulting in Ukraine put him in the cross hairs of a two-year investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 election.

He was convicted last year of financial fraud in two separate federal cases that came out of the investigation, which was led by the former special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

While that might have been the end of his criminal problems, in March, he was indicted on 16 New York state felonies, including mortgage fraud and falsifying records to obtain millions of dollars in loans. The indictment, which was based on some of the same actions in one of the federal cases, was brought by the office of the Manhattan district attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr., in an effort to ensure Mr. Manafort would still face prison time if Mr. Trump pardoned him for his federal crimes.

According to all the legal experts I’ve seen, this is unprecedented and a sign that the corruption of the Barr’s DOJ is going to be far more blatantly corrupt than just carrying out Fox News’ Hillary Clinton fever dreams.

The only good news in this is that the Supremes ruled on Friday that New York will be able to prosecute Manafort on state charges due to its opinion that the double jeopardy rule does not apply to state charges, meaning a presidential pardon will not get him out of jail. I don’t think Trump is going to be able to do anything about Manafort beyond helping him stay out of Riker’s Island. Maybe that’s all Manafort needs to keep his mouth shut, but you have to wonder …

In any case, William Barr and the rest of Trump’s henchmen they’ve installed at the DOJ are proving to be exactly the kind of corrupt partisan players they accuse those who saw Trump’s Russia connections to have been. Surprise …


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