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QOTD: Donnie Jr

QOTD: Donnie Jr

by digby

If you want to understand President Trump’s worldview and foreign policy, I think Donnie Jr explained it quite clearly at the rally last night:

“Last week we were in the UK. My father had an incredible visit there with the Queen. They actually had a great rapport. And the media is doing an incredible statistic. They say, ‘Trump has, he has a terrible approval rating in the UK’, you know who else had a terrible approval rating in the UK? George Washington! (crowd roars) 

First of all, it’s a lie. Second of all, I don’t want other countries to love our president. Because that means they know they are taking advantage of America. 

I want them to say, ‘oh man, that guys coming in here, we’d better shape up. We’re not taking advantage of those people.’ 

And just because American politicians have let them get away with it for decades, we’re stopping it NOW!” 

(Crowd goes wild)

Keep in mind that he’s talking about the UK. Our closest ally.

People who think that translates to “isolationism” need to think again.


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