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Republicans in disarray

Republicans in disarray

by digby

If you think the inevitable Democratic circular firing squad is  bad get a load of the GOP:

The House GOP campaign arm is under fire from Republicans who are growing increasingly anxious about the party’s plan to win back the chamber in 2020.

Republicans still don’t have an answer to Democrats’ online fundraising behemoth ActBlue. GOP leaders are bickering behind closed doors. The head of recruitment has decided to retire. And some rank-and-file lawmakers are starting to express alarm about the party’s strategy as the campaign ramps up.

So National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Tom Emmer tried to do damage control at a private caucus meeting Wednesday, arguing to GOP lawmakers that the campaign arm was on firm ground and any suggestions of turmoil were being fabricated by Democrats and the press.

“The plan and our strategy is working,” he said, according to multiple sources inside the room. “The media and DCCC are going to try to separate us and turn us against each other because we’re winning.”

The Minnesota Republican dismissed a POLITICO report of a clash over fundraising between him and Rep. Liz Cheney, the no. 3 House Republican. “She’s a friend of mine and I’m not going to let anyone in this town with their little blogging fingers divide us. It’s time to be unified,” he said in the meeting.

Emmer also defended the NRCC’s communications team, which is facing criticism from even GOP lawmakers for its personal attack on a Democrat — calling the 5’6” New York Rep. Max Rose “little” — and undercutting Republican leadership’s support for congressional pay raises with a press release slamming Democrats for backing the salary bump.

“Our communications team has a direct mandate from me and Leader [Kevin] McCarthy to be ruthless,” he said.

They are determined to alienate every last swing voter aren’t they? It’s clear that no matter how hard a Republican tries to tack to the center or reassure constituents that they don’t subscribe to Trump’s juvenile name-calling, the party will make it impossible for them.

The degradation continues …


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