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Trump’s most important advisers on the Mueller testimony

Trump’s most important advisers on the Mueller testimony

by digby

Transcript via Media Matters:

BRIAN KILMEADE (CO-HOST): ​One thing is pretty clear. They​’re going to ​ask Robert Mueller, too​,​ ​how did it make you feel when ​Donald Trump — ​president of the ​United States said that you’re compromised​,​ or how did it make you feel when the president of the ​United States kept attacking the process? What did you think about the rumors​ that​ he was going to fire you? ​And I’m not sure he​’​s going to answer that either. The other thing I have a sense of​,​ he​’​s​ got​ until July 17 to bone up on it. I don’t think he knows the details of the report. ​I don’t think — he was like –​

​STEVE DOOCY (CO-HOST): He​’d​ better​,​ his name​’​s on it.

​KILMEADE: ​But ​he’s like the king of England​ on this​. He assigns the people​, they’re going to say​ why are most of them ​D​emocratically affiliated. Aren’t you concerned about ​the perception if you hire people like ​that​ to do this job?​ Do you feel why some feel there was an agenda in there? ​So, [Rep.] ​Jerry Nadler​ [(D-NY)]​, if you ever watch​ him in these hearings​,​ they often get out of control​.​ I sense​ that​ this ping-pong could go​ the​ other direction.

​DOOCY: ​Mueller’s a smart guy.

​JEDEDIAH BILA (GUEST CO-HOST): If he doesn’t know it now I’m pretty sure he​’s​ sitting with a highlighter​ going over it​,​ ​because he’s ​going to want to ​make this his moment.

Projection 101.

Via Steve Benen:

[T]he president sat down with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos the same day and insisted he had read the Mueller report.

In context, the anchor, speaking with Trump inside the presidential limousine, asked the Republican about his “pitch to the swing voter on the fence.” Trump quickly turned to the Mueller report, his “no collusion” claim, and his perception that voters “are angry about it.” Stephanopoulos began to correct him, but said the two could discuss it in more detail later.

But the president pressed on, again insisting that the special counsel’s findings concluded “no collusion,” and “they didn’t find anything having to do with obstruction.” The ABC host explained, “They didn’t examine collusion. He laid out evidence of obstruction.”

This exchange soon followed:

TRUMP: He said no collusion.

STEPHANOPOULOS: He said he didn’t look at collusion.

TRUMP: George, the report said no collusion.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Did you read the report?

TRUMP: Uh, yes I did, and you should read it, too.

STEPHANOPOULOS: I read every word.

TRUMP: Alright, let’s go. You should read it, too, George.

At that point, the president decided it was time to leave the car.

Of course he didn’t read it. He doesn’t read.


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