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Another White Nationalist Terrorist by tristero

Another White Nationalist Terrorist 

by tristero

NBC News:

The FBI arrested an 18-year-old from Ohio for making online threats — including against the federal government and Planned Parenthood — and found a large cache of weapons, authorities said. 

When agents raided the Boardman, Ohio, house where Justin Olsen was living they recovered 15 rifles, 10 semi-automatic pistols and roughly 10,000 rounds of ammunition, according to a criminal complaint written by FBI Special Agent Themistocles Tsarnas and seen by NBC News. 

Olsen, who wrote under the name “ArmyOfChrist,” was charged Monday with one count of threatening to assault a federal law enforcement officer.

Yes, indeed, it’s definitely time for all those moderate right wingers to rein in their more frisky brothers and sisters. Can’t you tell? There’s such a world of ideological difference between this pathetic nobody and a high-level Trump official publicly announcing that the poem on the Statue of Liberty is now limited solely to rich white immigrants from Europe.

You can’t see that ideological difference? It’s clear as day. Ok, maybe if you squint…

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