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Heckuva job, Trumpie

Heckuva job, Trumpie

by digby

That was from three weeks ago. Heres the latest national poll from NBC/WSJ:

The white, non-college educated men still love him. The rest, not so much:

Our NBC/WSJ poll released Sunday showed just 40 percent of registered voters saying they would definitely or probably back Trump in 2020, versus 52 percent definitely/probably supporting the Democratic candidate.

So not surprisingly, Trump is underperforming in our poll among almost all subgroups from the exit poll in 2016, when he took 46 percent of the popular vote.

Here’s the breakdown:
Men: Trump +8 points in the NBC/WSJ poll (was +11 in the 2016 exit poll)
Women: -32 points (was -13)
Whites: +5 (was +20)
African Americans: -84 (was -81)
Latinos: -36 (was -38)
Independents: -19 (was +4)
Whites with college degrees: -19 (was +3)
Whites without college degrees: +18 (was +37)

Of course, Trump won’t be facing a generic Democrat next year. Plus, this is among all registered voters, not likely voters. And time could be on his side.

Still, this breakdown shows how vulnerable Trump is right now.

And let’s face facts: they cheat.

Still it’s better not to make it easy for them.


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