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If you want to see what they’re doing to Bill Taylor, check out Rush

If you want to see what they’re doing to Bill Taylor, check out Rush

by digby

Here is what the wingnuts are being indoctrinated with when they’re in their cars:

Okay. So you know this guy Bill Taylor, Ambassador Bill Taylor, the hero, the guy who was so upset, he was so terribly upset by what he heard from Trump on the phone call to Ukraine, oh, it was so bad — remember Victor Davis Hanson’s piece, we’re dealing with a bunch of people who have not achieved what they’ve achieved on the basis of merit. It’s labels, titles, connections.

They’re not the best and brightest. They are presented as the best and brightest. They’re presented as the pinnacle of achievement, the best in their class, the best at what they do. They’re not. Now, what have you heard about Bill Taylor? Bill Taylor was the guy they put all their eggs in his basket. Bill Taylor was the guy. Until Taylor came along all the other witnesses and the Mueller report, everything had kind of been a dud. But Bill Taylor…

First we had the whistleblower. He blew up when Trump revealed and released transcripts. Here comes Bill Taylor, William, I’m sorry, William Taylor, who provided no new information. Don’t doubt me. I don’t care if this sounds like it’s at variance with what you’ve heard, Bill Taylor had no new information. Bill Taylor’s testimony has been contradicted by everybody involved. John Ratcliffe made mincemeat of Bill Taylor in cross-examination, but Schiff will not release those transcripts.

Now there is further evidence that Taylor’s motives might be suspect. Really? That somebody trying to rat out Trump might have impure motives? Why, who would think that? Well, it turns out that the estimable and the esteemed Bill Taylor — by the way, I don’t enjoy doing this, folks. I wish this rotgut wasn’t true. I wish we really did have great people in charge of our government. I wish we really did have patriots and not globalists. I wish we really did have people that accomplish things with merit rather than are there because of connections, pedigree, breeding, labels, whatever. I really don’t enjoy this. But I know this stuff is all true. I just know it’s true. Let’s leave it at that.

It turns out that the estimable Bill Taylor led an election observer delegation in Ukraine back in April for a George Soros funded organization that had Hunter Biden on its council. Now, that kind of changes things, doesn’t it? Here’s Bill Taylor, he’s been presented to you as an American patriot. He’s not a partisan, he doesn’t care one way or the other, but he heard Trump on that phone call, and he was distressed.

He was very, very alarmed. He was very upset that a president would be asking for a foreign government to dig up dirt on a political opponent. It seems so unseemly and he could no longer stay quiet. He had to do his duty. And he had to come forward, and he had to release and tell only the Democrats what he knew.

Well, it turns out that he’s not the way he’s been presented. He may be a fine guy. He may be a guy that you want to go to a deep state baseball game and have a couple beers with and catch some foul balls, who knows. But he is not the guy you have been told he is. He is a partisan. He worked for George Soros! He led an election observer delegation in Ukraine back in April for a George Soros funded organization that employed Hunter Biden.

I love that the guy who used to drool and slobber over Bush and Cheney and the PNAC’s “Pax Americana” is now railing against globalists. But hey, man’s gotta make a buck, amirite?

And “deep state baseball game …?” Jesus Christ.


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