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They have to kiss the hem

They have to kiss the hem

by digby

If you wonder why Ukrainian president Zelensky acts like a supplicant in Trump’s presence or wonder if the joke of a president really has any power, observe this:

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who rarely misses an opportunity to criticize President Donald Trump, offered rare praise Wednesday for the president during a tour of areas affected by catastrophic fires and widespread power outages in Northern California.

Newsom said Trump has been “a partner’’ and that his administration has been “extraordinary” in its response to a state in crisis. His office announced earlier Wednesday that California had been awarded a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which will enable local, state and tribal agencies to apply for 75 percent reimbursement of their costs in responding to the Easy Fire in Ventura County.

California previously received the same federal grant for the massive Kincade Fire in Northern California and the Getty and Tick fires in Southern California.

“His team is performing above and beyond expectation,’’ Newsom said of Trump, following a visit to meet with the senior residents of Las Casitas Mobile Home Park in American Canyon, which has been without power since Saturday. “Every single request we’ve had to the Administration has been met.’’

They have to do it. They need the money and people’s lives depend on it.

It’s sick.

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