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Okay, this is out of hand by @BloggersRUs

Okay, this is out of hand
by Tom Sullivan

Vito Corleone he’s not. More like Harry Mudd without the roguish charm.

Several stories breaking in the last days suggest impeachment-worthy enterprises Donald Trump’s “family” runs from the White House began before the now-infamous phone call with Ukraine that sparked the initial impeachment inquiry.

As Digby covered Friday night, an op-ed by David Ignatius strongly suggests Trump’s Ukraine conspiracy began during his first year in office with another Ukrainian president:

What led to Trump’s first meeting on June 20, 2017, with Ukraine’s then-President Petro Poroshenko? Ukraine had hired the lobbying firm BGR Group in January 2017 to foster contact with Trump, but nothing had happened . . . and then the door opened. Why?

On June 7, less than two weeks before Poroshenko’s White House meeting, Trump’s lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, had visited Kyiv to give a speech for the Victor Pinchuk Foundation, headed by a prominent Ukrainian oligarch. While Giuliani was there, he also met with Poroshenko and his prosecutor general, Yuriy Lutsenko, according a news release issued by the foundation.

Just after Giuliani’s visit, Ukraine’s investigation of the so-called black ledger that listed alleged illicit payments to former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was transferred from an anti-corruption bureau, known as NABU , to Poroshenko’s prosecutor general, according to a June 15, 2017, report in the Kyiv Post. The paper quoted Viktor Trepak, former deputy head of the country’s security service, saying: “It is clear for me that somebody gave an order to bury the black ledger.”

In May 2018, the Ukrainians stopped cooperating with the Robert Mueller investigation into Russian 2016 campaign interference. The New York Times reported that four corruption cases involving Manafort had been shelved by Ukraine’s chief prosecutor at a time Ukraine was negotiating the purchase of Javelin anti-tank missiles for its defense against Russian invaders in eastern Ukraine:

The State Department issued an export license for the missiles on Dec. 22, and on March 2 the Pentagon announced final approval for the sale of 210 Javelins and 35 launching units. The order to halt investigations into Mr. Manafort came in early April.

Ukrainian law enforcement officials allowed Konstantin V. Kilimnik, a Manafort associate with ties to Russian intelligence (and sought in a Mueller indictment), to leave Ukraine for Russia “putting him out of reach for questioning.” Kilimnik received a packet of Trump campaign polling data at a meeting in a New York cigar bar in August 2016.

Did Trump (through Giuliani) pressure Poroshenko in 2017 to obstruct the Manafort investigations to get his White House meeting? Did Trump use the Javelins in 2018 to pressure Ukraine into ceasing cooperation with the Mueller investigation? Because those alleged actions went largely unnoticed, did Trump use military aid as leverage again, this time to pressure Poroshenko’s successor, Volodymyr Zelensky, to manufacture political dirt on former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter? Only this time, in full view of career national security staff?

Are we seeing a pattern here?

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Friday cited the Ignatius column and garnished it with a video clip of Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) of the House Oversight Committee hinting to reporters that the impeachment investigation would explore where the Javelins fit in.

“If I were an enterprising reporter, I would spend a little time on the issue of Javelin missiles,” Connolly said.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday would not rule out obstruction of justice charges appearing in proposed articles of impeachment:

“What we’re talking about now is taking us into a whole other class of objection to what the president has done. And there may be other — there were 11 obstruction of justice provisions in the Mueller report. Perhaps some of them will be part of this,” Pelosi said during an interview with Bloomberg Television. “But again, that will be part of the inquiry, to see where we go.”

Next, British officials tell The Independent that Trump has Attorney General William Barr asking foreign governments for evidence “Ukraine framed Vladimir Putin over the US election in a complex triple-cross operation by impersonating Russian hackers.” Barr has pursued the elaborate conspiracy theory with the governments of Italy, Australia, and the UK, essentially investigating FBI, CIA and Mueller investigators:

And the information being requested has left allies astonished. One British official with knowledge of Barr’s wish list presented to London commented that “it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services”.

This administration’s behavior, with its revolving-door rogues gallery of unqualified sycophants and national security risks, has grown beyond preposterous.

“Forget the myths the media has created about the White House. The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand,” Deep Throat tells Bob Woodward in All the President’s Men. Trump’s men are arrogant and clumsy in addition to not being very bright. So far, Trump’s supporters in Congress as well as outside the Beltway are just fine with him running an ongoing criminal enterprise out of the Oval Office. So far, they have his back.

Greg Sargent suggests what Trump demands is his followers go all in on defending his actions as legitimate. As He, Trump defines it:

In other words, Trump wants Republicans to say: Trump was damn right to pressure Ukraine to investigate Biden, because Biden is corrupt. Trump himself has at times unabashedly told reporters that, yes, Ukraine should investigate Biden.


Trump regularly calls on Republicans to fight to “win.” He wants them to throw aside any squeamishness about using all the tools at their disposal — including over the manipulation of our foreign policy and large swaths of the federal government — toward that end. Everybody is corrupt; it goes without saying that Biden and Democrats are; all that matters is who manipulates the rules more skillfully, and as a result, triumphs.

Trump wants Republicans to go full Judean People’s Front for him. But while they may have their swords at the ready, when their careers are on the line how many will fall on them for him?

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