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Civility by tristero


by tristero

Whenever it appears that the Republicans are so profoundly on the ropes that they will collapse, the NY Times goes out of its way to both-side things. Their hackiest reporters go to diners in the boonies to take the pulse of Real Americans (once, just once, they should come to the Metro Diner here in NYC and ask us what we think of Trump). And when things start getting real bad for the GOP, the Times starts publishing letters like this one:

To the Editor:
Re “And in This Corner, Wearing a Red Name Tag …” (news article, Nov. 4), about events nationwide that bring people together in an effort to bridge the partisan divide: 

As a Republican living in New York, I would like nothing more than to find a group like this gathering to discuss differing views civilly. I find myself checking all around me in a hush-hush manner before I express my support for President Trump’s policies. Looks of disgust and shock are what make me a closet Republican. I would love to “come out” and find some understanding and acceptance. 

Sonia Schwartz
Valley Stream, N.Y.

Let me answer her.
Dear Sonia,
I’m very sorry if I offend, but I’m completely uninterested in a civil discussion with you about Trump’s policies like, for example,  this one. I am only interested in stopping them. 
Put another way, although I can never offer you the understanding or acceptance you crave for supporting a criminal sadist like Trump, I do care about your feelings.

But I care far more about the poor children this administration is trying to kill than I care that people like you feel too intimidated to defend Trump in civilized society.

PS. This was actually your second letter to the Times. Here’s the first. 
Let me give you some free advice, my friend: it’s time take up a new hobby.


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