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Meanwhile in Bizarro World

Meanwhile in Bizarro World

by digby


I will tell you that there are some rock stars that are emerging here for the Republicans. I mean, can I just say Yovanovitch “I was devastated that the President, you know, didn’t like me, I was devastated.” I’m like, OK, um, There are so many people that hate me. I just don’t understand snowflake-ism. Get over it! Not everyone in life is going to like you, too bad.

You want a snowflake? I’ll give you a snowflake:

Look, I did nothing wrong. I was spied on. What they did to me was illegal. It was illegal on the other side. I did nothing wrong. Impeachment is a very unfair thing because nothing I did was wrong. Witch hunt! Hoax! Nobody has ever been treated as unfairly as me in the whole history of the world! Waaaaaa! — President Donald Trump approximately 7,567 times over the past three years.

He never stops whining.

Meanwhile, Hannity is lying, of course. Yovanovitch wasn’t devastated because Trump didn’t “like” her. She was devastated that he was smearing her and threatening her. There’s nothing snowflakey about that. He’s a thug who destroys everything he touches. Even his friends.

Here’s some more smearing from just today:

As for Yovanovich, this says it all:

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