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He still believes this is mainly a PR crisis. For him.

The “wartime president” is determined to blame China, the press, the Democrats, the Governors —- anyone but himself, as usual

But be especially aware of what he’s doing with blaming China. The right-wing media are full of conspiracy theories and he’s very tuned into them. He’ thinks’ they’re real and I could easily see him persuaded to take some sort of aggressive action if he gets really desperate to turn this thing around:

That might be something to consider generally speaking. But issuing such threats in the middle of this pandemic might be a tad counterproductive. In fact, considering the reliance on the Chinese supply line, Trump might want to STFU about China until we are out of the woods.

On the other hand, his instinct is to always make things worse, so I could see him deciding that now is the time to suspend all trade with China. What’re a few more deaths, amirite?

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