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Making the suburbs great again

Women Don't Leave The Kitchen | Yannig Roth / This is my blog

Donald Trump clearly believes that suburban women are still 1950s haus fraus like he saw on TV when he was a kid.

What the hell is he talking about? Well:

Anyone who has ever glimpsed the vast tracts outside our big cities, where houses with yards and driveways stretch to the horizon, might say, “Good luck with that.” The idea that they will undergo a hideous transformation vastly exaggerates what any future president could accomplish, even if he or she wanted to. But Biden and his party do have reforms in mind that, rather than abolish the suburbs, could open them up to more Americans.

Biden favors the Obama administration’s policy of attaching conditions to federal funds in order to get states and municipalities to eliminate barriers to housing development and expand the supply of housing. Among the policies it would undermine are zoning regulations that allow nothing but single-family houses. Easing those restrictions would make suburban homes less expensive, which in turn would facilitate racial integration.

He naturally assumes that white suburban women are as racist as he is. Apparently, they are not.

But they certainly do not like Donald Trump.

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