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And your point is?

The Nullification Crisis

Former Reagan White House official Linda Chavez condemns Republicans Ted Cruz, William Bennet and others a) for submitting to a bully like Donald Trump in the first place, and b) for helping him promote the fiction that the 2020 election was “fixed’ and so rife with vague irregularities that legislatures in four states Trump lost should nullify the election.

Chavez writes at The Bulwark:

The intellectual dishonesty here is breathtaking. For individuals and organizations that champion the rule of law and claim the mantle of the founding principles of our nation to call for overturning an election reeks of hypocrisy. It was one thing for them to advocate for so flawed a man as Trump to lead our nation. But the American people have spoken and to continue to claim that the election was stolen, that votes were fraudulently counted, is to attack the very foundations of our democratic institutions. They sow distrust in democracy itself—formerly the provenance of the far left. Politicians may fear the wrath of Trump’s legion of followers if they speak out, but what is it that drives the “thinkers” like Bennett and Eastman? They should know better than to parrot insane conspiracy theories and promote specious legal arguments.

“Formerly the provenance of the far left” is unworthy of reply. As for scions of the right knowing better, where has Chavez been for the last couple of decades?

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