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McConnell made the great sacrifice of acknowledging the election results today as if it was perfectly normal for a president who clearly lost to refuse to concede and that it’s equally normal for the opposing party to fail to acknowledge the victory until the electoral college votes. They are all such unctuous phonies.

This isn’t going to be the end of it for House Republicans who are pledging to fight the certification of the electoral college results on January 6th.

“We have a superior role under the Constitution than the Supreme Court does, than any federal court judge does, than any state court judge does,” Brooks told the New York Times. “What we say, goes. That’s the final verdict.”

Brooks told the Times he plans on challenging the electors in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin.

In order for an objection to get a debate, he will need at least one senator to join him. It’s not clear so far that any senators will object.

If an objection is filed, each Chamber would have to debate for two hours. For electors to be tossed, the Democratic-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate would have to agree.

According to Axios, McConnell is trying to ensure that no Senators will participate in this sham. But lest you think he is doing it because he cares about our democracy or the country — think again. He reportedly asked the GOP Senators not to cooperate with the scheme:

This is about politics as much as about doing the right thing. McConnell expressed concern about such a vote, because the GOP would have to vote it down — something that could damage incumbents up for re-election in 2022.

He says it will damage Republicans to vote against destroying our democracy.

In 2022.

I don’t know if he really believes that or he just thinks his caucus is so far gone they can’t be counted on to recognize reality. I’m not sure it matters. It’s lunacy either way.

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