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“Elitist snobs”

Can you even believe the lack of self-awareness? This Christmas weekend, millions of people are losing their businesses, their unemployment insurance and are on the brink of eviction because of Trump and the Republicans’ inaction. And they’re kvetching about Melania not being properly feted for her ostentatious wardrobe.

The fashion press are snobs but they are also business people. Most women who buy fashion magazines hate Donald Trump with the fire of a thousand suns. Melania would not sell magazines no matter how fashionable she might be.

There is no doubt that she looks great in her expensive clothes. She’s a model, after all. And sometimes her clothes are amazing. But her taste is very … iffy. She tends to dress like she’s wearing a costume when she travels overseas, sometimes being downright insulting, and has a strange propensity for military-style outfits. But her little “I really don’t care, do u?” gambit pretty much sealed her fate as a fashion leader. It was cruel and stupid and has been verified by her former pal Stephanie Winston Wolkoff as a purposeful act — as she was on her way to meet with little refugee kids on the border. If that’s true, she is a monster.

In addition, first ladies usually have some kind of a cause that they push pretty energetically. Melania had this “be best” online bullying thing which made zero sense since her husband is the worst online bully in the world. How could you do a feature story that would make her look like anything but a total hypocrite? They did her a favor by keeping her out of the magazines.

People will not miss her because she’s barely been there. I think we’re all grateful for that.

The Happy Hollandaise fundraiser goes through the end of the year so if you’re of a mind to kick in a little something below or at the snail mail address on the sidebar, I would be most grateful.


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