With all the pardons he must issue in the nest two weeks, it’s a wonder the outgoing president finds time to salt the earth. Still:
The Trump administration is pushing in its final days to undo decades-long protections against discrimination, a last-ditch effort to accomplish a longtime goal of conservative legal activists.
The Justice Department is seeking to change interpretation of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which bars discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin by recipients of federal funding. Under these rules, actions are considered discriminatory if they have a discriminatory effect, what’s known as a “disparate impact,” on protected groups. Under the new version, only intentional discrimination would be prohibited.
The Trump administration has been considering this change for more than two years but waited until its final weeks to try to put it into effect. A notice about the change was filed for regulatory review at the White House last month and a copy of the proposal was shared with The Washington Post.
With creditors breathing down Trump’s neck, with recriminations on tap from Republicans burned by his four years of misrule capped by losing control of the Senate, and with the city and state of New York preparing indictments, it’s important to take pleasure in the little things, I guess.
Like embracing your man-cult.
In half an hour, the conspiracist-in-chief will speak to the “Save America March” scheduled in advance of today’s joint session of Congress. Members will ceremonially count Electoral College votes that will affirm Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as the next president and vice president. (Arrests are underway.) The march is one of several pro-Trump events happening this morning in Washington, D.C. Things were spicy in the streets there last night, including altercations with police.
It’s a desperate, frightening world for men whose only professional/coping skills are shouting and punching. Outside employment as a Vogon Guard, you never see those listed on a resume or job listing.