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You might be a head case

A green storefront with a large orange and yellow logo that reads "Comet" in all capital letters.
Photo by Farragutful via CC BY-SA 4.0.

If Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring out of a Washington, D.C. pizza parlor sounds believable to you, you might be a head case.

If you think the world is run by a secret cabal of Satan-worshipping, blood-drinking, cannibal-pedophile Democrats and Hollywood elites because an anonymous internet “whistleblower” told you, you might be a head case.

QAnon chant: “Where we go one, we go all!” (WWGIWGA)

If you think the woman who died storming the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday sounds normal and well-adjusted, you might be a head case.

If you think Tammy the QAnon evangelist sounds normal and well-adjusted, you might be a head case.

If you are this insurrectionist who took time for a breather while storming the Capitol, you might be a head case.

If you are an aging white male who thinks it is unfair to be manhandled by police for storming the Capitol, you might be a head case.

If you think being a white business owner and a veteran means law enforcement should grant you special deference or fuck all y’all, you might be a head case.

If your interpersonal skills are limited to foul-mouthed shouting and punching inanimate objects, you might be a head case.
“Pedophilia’s okay with you … fucking little kids?!” (QAnon + Proud Boys)

If you think after streaming your assault on the Capitol you should be allowed to practice law in any state (even Texas), you might be a head case.
Paul MacNeal Davis has been fired.

If you think West Virginia state lawmaker Derrick Evans’s (or any lawmaker’s) storming of the Capitol was justified, you might be a head case.

If Rep. Matt Gaetz’s claim that it was Antifa (not MAGA/Proud Boys) who stormed the Capitol sounds believable to you, you might be a head case.

(And if your name is Rep. Matt Gaetz, you are a head case.)

Gaetz claims Capitol breach perpetrated by Antifa, citing false facial recognition story later retracted by The Washington Times.

And finally, if Donald J. Trump’s behavior is your idea of all-American, if his years’ worth of lies and his conspiracy mongering about stolen elections sound believable to you, well … you two have something in common.


These are not isolated cases anymore. We are experiencing a national mental-health crisis as well as a crisis of democracy.

UPDATE: Just found this video from Wednesday of Dr. Tammy the Q-vangelist.

UPDATE 2: West Virginia state legislator Derrick Evans has been charged with illegally entering the Capitol.

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