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Today in shamelessness

This is a perfect example of Republican shamelessness, as illustrated by a so-called moderate who is retiring and was supposed to be someone who would speak truth to power:

See? Democrats have to be “bipartisan” but Republicans don’t because their issues are not bipartisan issues and so … whatever. It’s gibberish. This is Lucy and the football stuff and he knows it. They came to Biden with 600 million opening ante which proved they were not even remotely serious. They brought along at least five Senators who were never in a million years going to help Democrats break a filibuster unless they passed a Republican bill (probably including some tax cuts for the rich) and then they probably wouldn’t have voted for it anyway. It was designed to waste time and give them the opportunity to say that Biden lied when he said he wanted to unify the country.

Portman knows all this. He isn’t stupid. He is shameless.

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