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Cancel Cult

Trumpie couldn’t stand it anymore so he put out an extended twitter whine disguised as a “statement.” I don’t think most people will be able to get through it. It just shows how well-suited he is to twitter rather than any kind of long form communication.

Anyway, if you’re interested it’s contained in this tweet:

Basically, it’s an extended whine about Mitch McConnell with a threat to primary anybody who looks at him crosswise in the GOP. Yeah, whatever.

I don’t think McConnell gives a damn. He is worried about his corporate donors who are freaking out about the Republican mob turning into a terrorist organization. It isn’t good for business. McConnell cares about one thing: getting the majority back in 2022. And he can read polls. It’s true that some Republicans who refused to throw themselves onto Trump’s boots and lick them with total fervor are in the doghouse. But look at all the True Believers who lost popularity as well:

Trump bootlicking may not be all it’s cracked up to be:

In the days after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, the phone lines and websites of local election officials across the country were jumping: Tens of thousands of Republicans were calling or logging on to switch their party affiliations.

In California, more than 33,000 registered Republicans left the party during the three weeks after the Washington riot. In Pennsylvania, more than 12,000 voters left the G.O.P. in the past month, and more than 10,000 Republicans changed their registration in Arizona.

An analysis of January voting records by The New York Times found that nearly 140,000 Republicans had quit the party in 25 states that had readily available data (19 states do not have registration by party). Voting experts said the data indicated a stronger-than-usual flight from a political party after a presidential election, as well as the potential start of a damaging period for G.O.P. registrations as voters recoil from the Capitol violence and its fallout.

Maybe all these people will change their minds before the next election or perhaps all those Trump loving terrorists will come out in droves to vote for Trumpy House and Senate primaries in 2022. It could happen. But this is a very unsettled time in the GOP and things could go in any number of directions.

Former GOPer Charlie Dent said on CNN earlier today that the state and local GOP’s have basically become nothing more than heretic tribunals. And he said it’s been happening for a long time, although it’s accelerated under Trump. (This is true — think about Eric Cantor or Bob Inglis.) They are basically a Wingnut Inquisition. They appear to be taking over the entire Republican apparatus, but that also appears to be having the effect of dramatically shrinking the party.

McConnell picked a fight with Trump right out in the open. He didn’t vote to convict, of course. But he made his feelings clear. He got his judges and his tax cuts. And now he’s done with him. We’ll have to see how this battle shapes up over the next year or so. They are both gutter fighters so it will be ugly either way.

People say it’s a fight for the soul of the Republican Party. But if that fight is being led by Donald Trump on one side and Mitch McConnell on the other it’s pretty clear whatever soul it once had has fled for greener pastures.

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