Anyone who thinks he isn’t seething with vengeance hasn’t been paying attention to this guy over the past 40 years. He may be tired and maybe he will just pass away in his sleep, but it’s almost impossible for me to believe that he’s not dedicating the rest of his years to paying back the people he believes betrayed him, whether he runs for president or not:
Former President Trump said in a new interview that Republicans need “stronger” and “better” leadership than Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).
“I think we need better leadership than Mitch McConnell and stronger leadership,” Trump said while appearing on “The Truth with Lisa Boothe” with iHeart Radio and Gingrich 360.
“I mean, he can’t rein in his own people. We have the Mitt Romneys of the world and you know, the Ben Sasses of the world. These are not good for the Republican Party,” the former president added, referring to Sens. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and Ben Sasse (R-Neb.).
McConnell, who aligned with Trump while he was in the Oval Office, appeared to break with the former president after the deadly Jan. 6 Capitol breach. McConnell said in February that Trump was “practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.” The senator also left open the possibility that Trump, who was impeached over his role but acquitted in a Senate trial, could face civil or criminal charges.
Trump fired back in a statement calling McConnell a “a dour, sullen, and unsmiling political hack.”
However, the minority leader later said he would “absolutely” back Trump if he ran for presidency again in 2024.
Trump also said on the podcast that he doesn’t want to talk to McConnell.
“Look, he’s hanging by a thread right now with respect to the filibuster. And if they get the filibuster, he’s hanging on [Sen.] Joe Manchin [D-W.Va.], who always goes with the Democrats,” Trump said.He also said that Republicans could “not show up” in order to prevent any vote on the parliamentary procedure.
“If the Republicans don’t show up, in other words, there’s no vote, as I understand, in a 50/50 Senate, as I understand it the vice-presidential vote doesn’t count in that case. So they can’t get that through.”
Senators are required to attend sessions in the Senate unless they are excused. If a quorum, or minimum amount of senators needed, is not reached then the Senate may direct the Sergeant at Arms to ask or compel absent senators to attend a session according to Senate rules.
And, poor Mike Pence. He licked Trump’s boots so fervently that he wore a hole in the expensive Italian shoe leather. And this is what he got for it:
Former President Donald Trump didn’t include his former vice president in his list of “very good” Republican leaders and potential 2024 presidential candidates during a new interview with conservative commentator Lisa Boothe.
Instead, Trump named Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem.
“Ron DeSantis is doing a really good job in Florida,” he said. “I think Josh Hawley has shown some real courage in going after big tech … Somebody that’s been really terrific is Ted Cruz.”
He added, “Rand Paul has been great … Sarah Huckabee is going to do great in Arkansas. I think that Kristi Noem has done a terrific job … The Republican Party is stacked.”
Trump said he’ll make his decision on whether or not to run for reelection “later.”
Pence is reportedly considering a 2024 presidential bid if Trump decides not to run. Following the election, Trump accused Pence of lacking the “courage” to illegally overturn the presidential election results, inciting pro-Trump rioters who stormed the Capitol building on Jan. 6 to call for Pence’s hanging.
During the interview, Trump also repeated his false claims that Pence could have rejected certain states’ Electoral College votes during the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress.
“It’s too bad Mike Pence didn’t go back, because you would have had a much different result had Mike Pence gone — he could have said, ‘I’m sorry, but this was not approved by the state legislature, and according to the Constitution, it had to be,'” Trump said.
If anyone thinks he doesn’t want revenge against “Sleepy Joe” as well, think again.
Update —
And look who’s sucking up by going after Trump’s enemies:
A prominent conservative group is buttressing Donald Trump’s quest to exact revenge on his GOP critics, targeting two Republicans who backed the former president’s impeachment.
The anti-tax Club for Growth is endorsing Max Miller, a former Trump White House aide running to unseat Ohio Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, who was one of 10 House Republicans to vote for Trump’s impeachment. The conservative organization is also this week dispatching an official to Wyoming to meet with prospective challengers to GOP Rep. Liz Cheney, another impeachment backer.