The following tweet thread discusses a very depressing study that found any talk of the racial disparities in COVID made racists more determined to resist mitigation strategies and believe they were being trod upon by the Big Gummint, presumably because those strategies would help Blacks.
It’s the same as it ever was. These racists have always denied themselves benefits if they think they might also benefit “those people.” And it appears they are even be prepared to die rather than do anything that helps them.
Disseminating info about racial disparities in #COVID deaths polarized risk perceptions and policy preferences. This potentially tragic conclusion from experimental study (w @allisonharell) just out in @socscimed https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113884. @CIFAR_News @EGAPTweets @dsallentess
Most troubling, among Whites with neg views of Af Americans, info about higher black death rates caused them to perceive lower risk, to oppose strong govt responses, and to perceive their liberties were being trampled. @LACPOP @maqartan @alondra @michele_norris
On the flip side, the same info caused Af Americans to perceive greater risks of infection (if they weren’t already aware); and caused Whites with positive views of Af Americans to become more supportive of COVID policies. @JosephHarrisBU @MITPoliSci
Our study says nothing about the potentially critical value of collecting race-related health data for planning and targeting campaigns.
But it does highlight that in our racially-divided society, putting a focus on racial disparities leads to a mix of empathy and polarization. Simply documenting and publicizing inequalities is not sufficient to generate needed solidarity.
Racism continues to be a serious threat to American public health. Thanks @lab_diversity @alex_scacco @chagaiweiss, others in IGR group for feedback.
Originally tweeted by Evan Lieberman (@evlieb) on April 14, 2021.
There’s some good news in that the information about the disparities did make non-racist white people more inclined to follow the strategies, which is a relief. I know that it made me even more vigilant. But damn, that shouldn’t even be a question.
But I think the big unanswered question is how many of those white racists who decided that their “liberty” was infringed because they didn’t believe they should have to wear a mask because the virus was hitting black people harder actually reveled in the idea that they might spread the disease to them. Honestly, I think it’s possible that there were quite a few.