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So much for freedum

Eric Metaxas was once considered to be one of the “reasonable” conservative evangelical leaders. He never was. But he’s completely gone around the bend:

I’m offended when people wear red MAGA hats. I think they’re a symbol of fascism, for real. But I’m not going to lecture people about what they wear in public, and demand they stop doing it.

These people screamed “tyranny” when governments passed mask mandates fulminating about how it infringes on their freedom. Now that the outdoor mandates are gone they are intent upon forcing people not to wear them, because it makes them feel icky for some bizarre reason.

Wearing a mask outdoors is the most benign gesture on earth with zero downside for anyone concerned. It hurts no one and could help some people who are unvaccinated or have health issues. Maybe somebody has a cold or the flu and doesn’t want to spread it around. Maybe they just want to do it because they are completely delusional and think they will drop dead on the street if they don’t. Whatever! Who cares? It’s nobody’s business but their own.

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