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Suppressing the vote even when they don’t have to

They aren’t even pretending that they represent all the people anymore. It’s just GOP Uber Alles.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed off on a bill to restrict voting rights for millions of people early Thursday morning. But, to add insult to injury, the governor made it into an exclusive live television event for Fox News. According to the Miami Herald, all reporters were blocked from attending the event—but it was broadcast live on Fox & Friends, and members of the MAGA fan group Club 45 USA were allowed to attend the signing. They whooped as DeSantis put pen to paper and he said: “I’m actually going to sign it right here, it’s going to take effect… the bill is signed!”

The bill is similar to those signed in other Republican-run states since former President Donald Trump started baselessly disputing the results of the 2020 election. It will introduce strict voter-ID requirements for people who want to vote by mail, and limit the use of ballot drop boxes.

The election in Florida ran like clockwork and Trump won handily. But they’re doing this anyway. It’s performative at this point, both as a way to kowtow to Dear Leader and help validate the Big Lie and push the illusion that their voters cannot trust election results if they lose. Needless to say, suppressing the vote is what they are really after but in some cases, like this one, they may be suppressing their own as well. Not that it matters. If they lose they’ll just cateraul that it was rigged and carry on with this nonsense.

Since they are passing all these restrictive voting laws it makes you wonder how they can explain it if they end up losing anyway? Russian sabotage? The Deep State? JFK JUnior and the pizza pedophile ring? I’m sure they’ll come up with something. And keep in mind, it doesn’t have to make sense. In fact, it’s better if it doesn’t.

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