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♫Oh, who are the people in your neighborhood?

A few neighbors attended the local school board meeting on Thursday. Not a mask in sight as a crowd protested a decision making face coverings mandatory for unvaccinated Buncombe County Schools staff and students when the school year begins on Aug. 23.

Conspiracy theories. Crank remedies. Charges that Covid is a lie.

Image from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“I don’t care about neighbors or kids or anything,” should be the motto for their movement, as one of Josh Holland’s Trumpist neighbors says.

Aspiring thespian, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) made a surpise appearance [timestamp 51:20]. The freshman congressman began his remarks by trolling school board members. Cawthorn seems to believe trolling is a congressperson’s primary job function.

In the video linked above, Cawthorn is immediately followed at the lectern by someone you’ve seen before. Yes, this guy:

Aasif Mandvi investigates non-racist fallout from the Supreme Court’s destruction of the Voting Rights Act. (SEASON 19 E 11 • 10/23/2013)

Add to the mass insanity on display in the clips above, CNN’s looney-tunes interview with MyPillow’s Mike Lindell from yesterday.

♫The people that you meet each day.

I was an election judge at 18. I’ve worked with/beside election officials for the last 9 cycles. Lindell is completely nuts. Still, I was ready to despair for my country last night.

But after a good night’s sleep, it’s back to work. It’s that or surrender.

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