Oh my. The Blue Dog types don’t like it when they’re treated like progressives have been treated for years:
Multiple House Democratic centrists have fielded calls from their caucus’s campaign arm that they took as a warning they would be cut off financially if they oppose their party’s $3.5 trillion budget framework, according to two people familiar with the conversations.
House Democratic leaders have been working aggressively this week to flip a group of nearly a dozen members who have threatened to buck their party on a key budget vote next week, a vote that represents the first step toward passing President Joe Biden’s multi-trillion dollar domestic spending plan. Instead, they’re demanding to first vote on the Senate-passed infrastructure bill.
That pressure campaign has included Democratic Congressional Campaign Chair Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.), who has phoned members in recent days to warn that their majority is in jeopardy if they derail Biden’s broader spending priorities.
But some of those centrists who received calls from either Maloney or his staff — who already face some of the toughest races in the country next November — said they also took his comments to mean that their own fundraising help from the party would be at risk. And while they said there was no direct threat to withhold DCCC funds, those Democrats said the warning was implied.
Aw heck. But guess what?
My oh my…