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What is the “Insurrectionist Movement?”

The University of Chicago did a survey on the “insurrectionist movement.” Here’s a twitter thread with some highlights. It’s not reassuring:

“9% of Americans—believe the ‘Use of force is justified to restore Donald J. Trump to the presidency.’” Over 25% believe the election was stolen and Joe Biden is illegitimate. 8% or 21 million people, believe both. The report refers to them as “adamant insurrectionists.”

Out of the 21 million adamant insurrectionists:
– 1 million are in a militia or personally know a member
– 6 million expressed support for militias
– At least 7 million own a gun
– 3 million have been in the military

This is the most concerning statistic. 63%, or more than ten million, believe in Great Replacement which used to be for hardcore, violent nazis only. It’s an extremely powerful and dangerous lie. This will make the other Big Lie look quaint if it grows. 54% are in QAnon.

“As the 2022 election season fast approaches — along with the potential for distorting election outcomes — understanding American political violence must surely be a national priority if democracy is to hold the line.”

Originally tweeted by (@jimstewartson) on August 24, 2021.

It should be a priority. If it is, it isn’t obvious.

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