I love this headline:

For months, conspiracies about the 2020 election being stolen from Donald Trump have fueled Republican efforts nationwide to rewrite election laws. But now, some GOP operatives and Trumpworld luminaries are worried that the truly wild conspiracists may be mucking it all up.
Hogan Gidley, one of Donald Trump’s top lieutenants, took a subtle dig at some Trump allies and put some distance between their efforts and his group’s work on election reform. Other Republicans have expressed fears that talk of “audits,” machine rigging and foreign plots will depress voter turnout and discourage some people from seeking office.
“People are going to do whatever they want, and I can’t answer for any of those other groups,” said Gidley when asked about misinformation and efforts by Mike Lindell and others to overturn the 2020 election.
“But as it relates to election integrity and voter protection, it is vital that we help states get these simple, popular security mechanisms in place to ensure honesty for the 2022 midterms,” added Gidley, who is heading the Center for Election Integrity at the Trump-aligned America First Policy Institute. “I want to make sure that the data we gather and the information we share is built on solid ground as opposed to sinking sand.”
That ship has sailed, I’m afraid. They need to have a chat with this guy:
President Trump Responds on Pennsylvania’s 2020 Election
President Donald J. Trump to the Wall Street Journal:
“Actually, the election was rigged, which you, unfortunately, still haven’t figured out. Here are just a few examples of how determinative the voter fraud in Pennsylvania was…
• 71,893 mail-in ballots were returned after Nov. 3, 2020, at 8 p.m…None of these should have been counted according to the U.S. Constitution
• 10,515 mail-in votes from people who do not exist on the Pennsylvania voter rolls at all.
• 120,000 excess voters not yet accounted for by the Pennsylvania Department of State—far more votes than voters!
• Hundreds of thousands of votes unlawfully counted in secret…while GOP poll watchers thrown out
• 39,771 people voted who registered after the Oct 19 deadline
• 305,874 voters were removed from the rolls after the election on Nov. 3rd
• 51,792 voters with inactive voter registrations at the end of October 2020 nevertheless voted
• 57,000 duplicate registrations
• 55,823 voters who were backfilled into the SURE system
• 58,261 first-time voters 70 years and older
• 39,911 people added to voter rolls while under 17 years of age
• 17,000 mail-in ballots sent to addresses outside of PA
• 98% of the eligible voting population in Montgomery co was already registered to vote—not possible
• Montgomery Co canvass identified 78,000 phantom voters, roughly 30% were unaware people are voting from their address
• One nursing home in Lancaster co had 690 registrations and an extremely high turnout rate of 85% in 2020, while nursing homes were closed due to Covid.
One of these residents said she had not voted in the past 3 years, but had a mail-in ballot cast in her name
• 25,000 ballots were requested from nursing homes at the exact same time
• Numerous affidavits attested to poll watcher intimidation and harassment, by brute force
• Attorney General Bill Barr ordered U.S. Attorney Bill McSwain to stand down and not investigate election irregularities
• Mark Zuckerberg poured over $17 million to interfere in the Pennsylvania election, including…for drop boxes where the voting pattern was not possible
“And so much more! This is why Democrats and the Fake News Media do not want a full forensic audit in Pennsylvania. In reality, 80,555 ballots are nothing when there is this much corruption or voter irregularities.” – Donald J. Trump
I guess the Wall St. Journal thought it would be ok to print his lies. It really isn’t.
But it is revealing to read his daily, obsessive, “statements” about all this in which he goes over these details again and again. He is truly irrational on this subject and there is nothing anyone can do to stop him. I think losing cause a sort of psychotic break in him.