The congressman who sued a cow is packing it in to get his share of that sweet Trump grift:
Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) plans to leave his seat at the end of this month to become CEO at a new media company founded by former president Donald Trump, the company announced Monday. The move was confirmed by a political ally of Nunes, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the congressman’s plans. Nunes’s office did not respond to inquiries.
Nunes, who was first elected to Congress in 2002 at age 30, was just reelected to his seat last year for a 10th term, which ends in January 2023. A news release Monday said Nunes would be joining the “Trump Media & Technology Group” as its CEO starting in January.
If the GOP were to take back the House majority in 2022, Nunes would be in line to be chairman of the House Ways and Means committee. By stepping down, he would potentially be giving up what is considered the most powerful committee gavel.
Nunes represented a safely Republican district that was growing more competitive even before the current round of redistricting. In 2012, Barack Obama lost Nunes’s 22nd Congressional District, in California’s Central Valley, by 15 points. Last year, Joe Biden lost it by just 6 points.
As he became better known as a Trump defender, Nunes became one of the party’s strongest fundraisers. He spent $11.6 million on his 2018 reelection, when he held off a Democratic challenger by single digits, and spent most of the $26.8 million he raised for his 2020 race.
Early drafts of California’s next map put Nunes in a less Republican district in the Fresno area, one that backed Biden by 9 points. Before the announcement Monday, Republicans were watching to see whether would switch to a new seat that was safer for his party — which would have pitted him against one of his Republican colleagues.
The odds of this enterprise ever making any money are very long. Trump is a terrible businessman and what Nunes knows about running a company and social media is confined to suing a twitter user and losing. Should work out great.
Good riddance to Devin Nunes. He has been an embarrassment to the state of California for years now. I only wish he’d take Loose Lips McCarthy with him.