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The very best ambassador for decency

This man should win the Nobel Peace Prize:

Via DKos:

“I always said that wherever there is a fight so hungry people, people in need may eat, that we will be there,” the humanitarian said from a video filmed at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on Saturday. In a video the next day, Andrés spoke from Mayfield, “where the destruction is beyond anything you imagine.” 

“We have teams all over, scouting and bringing meals, and learning what the folks may need,” Andrés continued in the video. “Trying to provide meals to those who need it every single day.” In another video from Benton, the chef spoke to a resident named Marcella, “who jumped into action to support her community with meals after the tornados!” He called it, “the true @WCKitchen way … no meetings no planning, just cooking!”

Feeding people in a crisis is elemental. And a true sign if human decency. It makes you feel just a bit better about your fellow man to see something like his and it gives you hope that we aren’t completely lost as a society.

Jose Andrés is a saint. And he’s come up with something very interesting as a model for how to do this. He “partners” with locals to provide food and gives credit where it’s due. As he says, “no meetings, no planning, just cooking!” a pragmatic approach that I think a lot of NGOs could learn from.

Happy Hollandaise everyone! If you’d like to put a little something in the Christmas stocking, you can do so here:

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