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Reek Speaks

What a sad little weasel Mike Pence is. They wanted to hang him for failing to enact their coup and now he’s trying to get back in their good graces. In an op-ed for the Washington Post he wrote about January 6th as a terrible day — and then suggests that the Big Lie was right and that access to the franchise amounts to fraud:

In the year since that fateful day, states across the country have enacted measures to try to restore confidence in the integrity of our elections while ensuring access to voting for every American. Georgia, Arizona and Texas have led the way with common-sense reforms, such as requiring verifiable identification on absentee ballots and using cameras to record ballot processing.

Despite this steady progress of state-based reforms, now come President Biden and Senate Democrats with plans to use the memory of Jan. 6 to attempt another federal power grab over our state elections and drive a wedge further into our divided nation.

Their plan to end the filibuster to allow Democrats to pass a bill nationalizing our elections would offend the Founders’ intention that states conduct elections just as much as what some of our most ardent supporters would have had me do one year ago.

Under the Constitution, elections are largely determined at the state level, not by Congress — a principle I upheld on Jan. 6 without compromise. The only role of Congress with respect to the electoral college is to “open, present and record” votes submitted and certified by the states. No more, no less. The notion that Congress would break the filibuster rule to pass a law equaling a wholesale takeover of elections by the federal government is inconsistent with our nation’s history and an affront to our Constitution’s structure.

Democrats in Congress don’t like the way many states have governed over the past year. In fact, Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) recently compared Republican state officials to “violent insurrectionists” who stormed the Capitol because they had the audacity to pass legislation designed to eliminate voter fraud.

Biden and the Democrats’ plan advancing in Congress would massively increase opportunities for election fraud, further erode confidence in our elections and deliver an irreversible victory for the radical left.

The plan would mandate the most questionable and abuse-prone election rules nationwide, while banning common-sense measures to detect, deter and prosecute election fraud.

For example, states would be forced to adopt universal mail-in ballots, to provide same-day voter registration, online voter registration, easier voter registration through motor vehicle department offices and a minimum 15 days of early voting. Duplicate voter registration records would abound, states’ voter-ID requirements would be dramatically weakened, and anyone, including undocumented people,who simply signed a sworn written statement claiming to be eligible to vote would be permitted to do so. The opportunities for voter fraud would explode.

Just look at what he is complaining about: universal mail-in ballots, to provide same-day voter registration, online voter registration, easier voter registration through motor vehicle department offices and a minimum 15 days of early voting.

The humanity!!! This is what he says will create opportunities for voter fraud? How pathetic.

Meanwhile, the man whose boots he polished assiduously still blames him for failing to follow through on the coup and is telling everyone they need to get partisan vote counters in to cheat on his behalf. But that’s fine.

I do not think Mike Pence is ever going to be president. He is Reek.

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