I know you’ll be shocked to learn that the largest Ivermectin trial done so far was a disappointment:
Researchers testing repurposed drugs against Covid-19 found that ivermectin didn’t reduce hospital admissions, in the largest trial yet of the effect of the antiparasitic on the disease driving the pandemic.
Ivermectin has received a lot of attention as a potential treatment for Covid-19 including from celebrities such as podcast host Joe Rogan. Most evidence has shown it to be ineffective against Covid-19 or has relied on data of poor quality, infectious-disease researchers said. Public-health authorities and researchers have for months said the drug hasn’t shown any benefit in treating the disease. Taking large doses of the drug is dangerous, the Food and Drug Administration has said.
The latest trial, of nearly 1,400 Covid-19 patients at risk of severe disease, is the largest to show that those who received ivermectin as a treatment didn’t fare better than those who received a placebo.
“There was no indication that ivermectin is clinically useful,” said Edward Mills, one of the study’s lead researchers and a professor of health sciences at Canada’s McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. Dr. Mills on Friday plans to present the findings, which have been accepted for publication in a major peer-reviewed medical journal, at a public forum sponsored by the National Institutes of Health.
I suspect that many of the wingnuts who got COVID took Ivermectin and when they got better they attributed it to that instead of the fact that they simply recovered on their own. The ones that died, well … dead men tell no tales.
It’s one thing to try these snake oil cures like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin if there’s nothing else out there and someone is very ill as long as it isn’t going to make them worse. But there’s been no excuse for this nonsense for the last year and a half as the vaccines and treatments came on line. It killed a whole lot of people.