Apparently, quite a few people think it is. Or, at least, they think that people are lying about it and employers should let them:
Two-thirds of U.S. adults say that most people who claim religious objections to a COVID-19 vaccine are “just using religion as an excuse to avoid the vaccine,” according to a new Pew Research Center survey. About a third (31%) say they think the objectors “sincerely believe getting a COVID-19 vaccine is against their religion.”
At the same time, most Americans do not think those with religious objections to the COVID-19 vaccine – regardless of the sincerity of their beliefs – should lose their jobs. A majority of adults (65%) say employers that require coronavirus vaccinations should “allow employees who have religious objections to keep their jobs even if they decline to get the vaccine.”
Ok. Basically 65% think employers shouldn’t have the right to mandate vaccines, at all. I say that because just allowing people to lie about their religious beliefs but forcing everyone else to get vaccinated makes no sense. (Either that or about half of them are totally incoherent.)
If I caught COVID and got sick or brought it home to a vulnerable person in my life I would be very angry at a co-worker who lied about having a religious exemption and refused to get the vaccine. But that’s just me, I guess. I feel very sorry for people who have to put up with this irresponsible behavior.