Republican deviants toss around “pedo” charges with no fear of reprisal

The MAGA protests outside the entrance to Disney World confirm what Democratic consultant James Carville said Tuesday night on MSNBC’s “The Beat.” Republicans are the testicle-tanning weirdo party.
The video above in which a supporter of Florida’s weirdo governor attempts to rebrand Disney World “DeSantisland” recalled Abner Louima’s retracted allegations that NYPD police who sodomized him with a broomstick him yelled, ”It’s Giuliani time!” Republicans have declared DeSantis time in Florida.
Carville mentioned unfounded pedophilia allegations Republican officials are throwing against walls everywhere to see what sticks. Republicans themselves are nowhere near mainstream. There’s Rep. Matt Gaetz, says Carville. There’s Rep. Jim Jordan. Rep. Lauren Boebert’s future husband was arrested for exposing himself to two young women at a Colorado bowling alley (she was present) and was later arrested for domestic violence against her while they were dating. These are the sorts screaming pedophile?
But what do Democrats do about it? And about Joe Biden’s low poll numbers? First, stop complaining about what Biden hasn’t done for you, says Carville. (That’s everyday on lists and sites I follow.) Keep repeating that and you drive down Democratic enthusiasm and drive off independents.
Democrats need to start attacking Republicans for how weird and abnormal they are. (I’d say bizarre.)
The problem, says Carville, is “no one fears us.” Democrats are so busy squabbling among themselves that Republicans know Democrats won’t push back against the Radio Rwanda threats. As they did not against the pedophilia obsesssion GOP Senators displayed during recent Supreme Court confirmation hearings.
“[Republicans] have learned over a period of time it doesn’t matter” what they say or do, Carville complained. “[Democrats] are weak and all they’re gonna do is talk bad about each other.”
Lets’s see if there is any Republican pushback against Michigan State Sen. Mallory McMorrow (D). At least anything besides dumfounded babble. She refused to stand there and take it. Some Republican got a bloody nose yesterday, rhetorically speaking.
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