Recognize the signs

Republicans have set about declaring anyone not members of their cult enemies of the People’s Temple.
No. Sorry. That was Rev. Jim Jones who had his People’s Temple security ambush a congressional delegation and press members at a Guyanan airstrip in 1978. Five died and five were seriously wounded.

Four people died in the Donald Trump-inspired attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Five other police officers who served at the Capitol that day died in the days and weeks after. Some by their own hands.
Yet Republicans have persisted in rhetoric pointing toward another People’s Temple-style massacre, only not in the Guyanan jungle. What exactly their nihilist cult believes is hard to define. Rachel Maddow took a shot at it on Thursday.
“So, if what you want to do is jail your political opposition or maybe have them killed….” We are supposed to feel fortunate that the right still feels the need to manufacture a pretext?
Recognize and call out the signs.
Maddow’s full six-minute-plus monologue is here.
Forewarned is forearmed. Does anyone use that expression anymore?
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