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“Contrary to the public interest”

Is the public interest still a thing in this country?

File under Not Dead Yet (Associated Press):

Maine’s secretary of state released draft rules Thursday that would eliminate references to genitalia, sex acts and profanities that proliferated after the state severely loosened language restrictions on so-called vanity license plates in 2015.

The rough and foul language on the plates led to a steady stream of complaints.

It was all too much even for a secretary of state who previously served as director of American Civil Liberties Union of Maine, which has fought for First Amendment rights to freedom of expression.

“Incitement to violence, profanity, ethnic, racial, religious, or other slurs, or reference to illegal or criminal activity – all of which unfortunately can be seen on Maine registration plates today – are all directly contrary to the public interest,” Secretary of State Shenna Bellows said in a statement.

A federal judge ruled in 2020 against a California ban on vanity plates “offensive to good taste and decency.” Maine is being more careful about how it tightens its rules.

The Trump era has been one, over-long celebration of public indecency. The MAGA crowd celebrates Donald Trump’s encouragement to be liars, bigots and obnoxious jerks in public as conservative liberation.

“I believe Donald. I tell you, he says what I’m thinking!” said a New Hampshire state representative in 2015 who claimed she’d “never been involved in politics.”  But “we’ve got people who are in positions of power who I know for a fact are liars. Liars!” She preferred a career criminal and serial liar. You know, a professional. America made great again.

Maine at least is having second thoughts about the state sanctioning jerkism. Not in the public interest? What a concept. Plus, “Fuck your feelings” is probably too long for a license tag.

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