They’re so screwed up they called in Don Jr. fix it

Donald Trump has had a question for his friends and advisers in the past several weeks: “Is Google trying to fuck me?”
The source of his paranoia, according to two people with knowledge of the ex-president’s query, was the absence of an Android app for his struggling social media app, Truth Social. Since it launched in February, the app has been available only on Apple devices, leaving Android users — roughly 40 percent of the U.S. mobile device market — without access to the platform. This has left Trump with questions about the status of the product and whether his perceived enemies at Google had any plans to reject it.
“He keeps hearing about how Google and YouTube have it out for him … including on Truth Social, and I think he’s taking [it] seriously,” says one source who’s discussed the topic with the twice-impeached former president. (In some instances since last month, Trump has instead asked if Google is trying to “screw with me” on Truth Social or has simply inquired, “What’s up with Google?”)
In a statement about the future availability of a Truth Social Android app, TMTG chief executive Devin Nunes, the former congressman and vociferous Trump ally, appeared to lean in to Trump’s suspicions, hinting that Google’s approval of the app in its Play Store could be uncertain. Truth Social, Nunes wrote, was on the verge of making the app available in web browsers at the end of May: “After that we will launch an Android app … pending approval from Google!” A week prior to Nunes’ announcement, Trump alluded to Android availability during a rally in Ohio, telling fans that “non-iPhone users are coming very, very soon” to the platform.
A censorious Big Tech boogeyman blocking the former president’s app sounds like a plausible storyline to conservative ears, but there’s just one problem with the former president’s suspicions about a Google plot: It appears to exist entirely in his own head.
As of Tuesday, Truth Social hasn’t even submitted an Android app to Google to review for Play Store approval, an individual familiar with the matter and two Trumpworld sources with knowledge of the situation tell Rolling Stone.
A Google spokesperson declined to comment. A spokesperson for Truth Social did not respond to a request for comment.
Recent Truth Social job postings suggest the Android app is still under development. The company also recently advertised a job for a developer who can assist with “bringing some of our core products to Android,” according to a posting on the TMTG’s website.
YouTube, a part of the Google empire, suspended Trump from the platform days after the Capitol insurrection, but Google’s Play Store’s terms of service are separate from YouTube’s and contain no obvious provisions which would prohibit a Truth Social Android application due to Trump’s role as chairman of the company.
The lack of an Android app — and its current unavailability in the Play Store three months after the launch — marks yet another obstacle in what has been a shambolic rollout for Trump’s social media platform. In February, Nunes said in an appearance on Fox News that the company’s “goal” would be to have the app “fully operational” by “the end of March,” but users, including the former president, still had their complaints well into May.
In the time since February, the ex-president has repeatedly hit the phones to ask his advisers such pressing questions as “What the fuck is going on” with Truth Social? On multiple occasions, Trump has bemoaned the bad press the app rollout has attracted, demanding answers on why his new website wasn’t crushing his MAGA-app competitors. Things got bad enough that in recent weeks, the former president’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was called in to take a lead role focused on trying to “fix” what was wrong with the company and the app performance, according to two people familiar with the situation. One of these sources frankly referred to what Trump Jr. was doing as an emergency “rescue mission.” (A spokesman for Trump Jr. declined to comment on this story.)
The tech wizard Don Jr??? ok…
By the way, Kimberley Guilfoyle is now hawking steaks. I‘m not kidding:
Kimberly Guilfoyle, the former advisor to President Donald Trump’s failed re-election campaign who later become engaged to his eldest son, is hawking steaks for a meat delivery service whose Better Business Bureau (BBB) accreditation has been revoked. In online reviews, customers allege that the curated meat boxes from Good Ranchers, which may cost hundreds of dollars, are not only a “rip off” but also sometimes never arrive.
On May 15, Guilfoyle uploaded a video of herself standing over a smoking indoor grill, flipping thin cuts with little visible marbling over the flames. “I’m here with these beautiful steaks from,” she says. “And this is the way you show your family you love them — by buying this meat that is born and raised here in the United States.”
Guilfoyle continues by claiming “85% of the meat that they sell in stores today is not even from the United States.” That statement is inaccurate; according to the Department of Agriculture, only 8 to 12% of the beef sold in the US comes from foreign sources. (Guilfoyle may be referring to grass-fed beef, of which 75 to 80% is imported, though often processed in the US.)
Never leave a penny op=n the sidewalk…