Florida leads the parade

The right wing is very, very concerned about free speech these days. They whine incessantly that they are being cancelled for their views. Yet across the country they are banning books, censoring teachers, dictating what can and cannot be taught in classrooms. Trump must be allowed to use any platform he chooses to destroy democracy. But kids cannot be allowed to learn about Black history or celebrate gay rights.
Down in Florida, as you know, they have passed a law banning teachers from discussing any kind of gay topic in the lower grades. They insist it’s just to keep the innocent little kids from being tainted by sexuality. But the law is very vague and allows all schools, at any level, to ban these discussions if they can find a reason. In one high school, they have found them. And they are persecuting one young gay student for speaking out:
If you think the right isn’t coming for gay rights you’re sadly mistaken. They are “drawing the line” at trans rights but it’s just the beginning. The religious among them are immovably hostile to anything but traditional family arrangements. Don’t assume anything they hate is safe. And they hate a lot.