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Trumpublicans sink deeper into self-parody

Biden’s student debt relief brings out the “Four Yorkshiremen” in Republicans

“this is how some of you folks sound about student loans,” says The Other 98% meme. (h/t SR)

As with any other addiction, or like that movie trope involving quicksand, Trumpublicans haven’t the wits to stop themselves from sinking deeper. Will the majority of voters eventually bury them with the public laughter Donald Trump so viscerally feared?

Alexandra Petri wants to help them along:

DISGUSTING! AWFUL! I have just received word that life is getting marginally better for some people, and I am white-hot with fury! This is the worst thing that could possibly happen! I did not suffer and strive and work my fingers to the bone so that anybody else could have a life that does not involve suffering and striving and the working of fingers to the bone. I demand to see only bones and no fingers!

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night thrashing because I have had the nightmare again, the nightmare in which someone else is being spared a small hint of the suffering I endured. The world should not get better! The world should get worse along with me and perish along with me.

Every time anyone’s life improves at all, I personally am insulted. Any time anyone devises a labor-saving device, or passes some kind of weak, soft-hearted law that forecloses the opportunity for a new generation of children to lose fingers in dangerous machinery, I gnash my teeth. This is an affront to everyone who struggled so mightily. To avoid affronting them, we must keep everything just as bad as ever. Put those fingers back into the machines, or our suffering will have been in vain.

You get the idea.

Once upon a time, Republicans sold the fantasy that tax cuts would pay for themselves. Now deficit hawks claim that Biden’s freeing up disposable income for loan-holders to spend into the economy, buy homes, and start families will harm everyone.

Give me an f-ing break,” Democratic strategist Maria Cardona reponded to a Republican commenter wringing his hands over the alleged unfairness of President Biden’s student debt relief announcement on Wednesday.

Biden himself was having none of it when a reporter asked if his action was unfair to those who paid off their loans or never took them.

“Is it fair to people who, in fact, do not own multi-billion-dollar businesses if they see one of these guys getting all the tax breaks? Is that fair? What do you think?” Biden replied and walked out.

Handing out checks to farmers hurt by Trump’s trade war with China raised few complaints from Republicans when it was Dear Leader doing it.

Petri lampoons Trumpublican complaints about the moral hazard of Biden fulfilling his campaign promise to ease voters’ burdens:

I fought uphill battles and squinted into the night and toiled and burdened myself in the hope that my children, one day, would also get to work exactly that hard, if not harder, and suffer at least as much as I did, and have, if the Lord allows, lives worse than mine. God, please make their lives worse!

You know, the way we had it in the old days!

“Aye, and you try telling that to the young people of today.”

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