Cranks and kooks and ass-kissers, oh my

“Alarm as Koch bankrolls dozens of election denier candidates,” reads The Guardian’s landing page this morning. But who is left to be surprised? Charles Koch, the multibillionaire, oil-and-chemicals, libertarian kook is bankrolling the same right-wing fringe he’s bankrolled for decades through his PACs and Americans for Prosperity Action. Does anyone not recognize the type by now, even if he doesn’t own a penis-shaped rocket?
Koch has since 2021 poured over $6 million into campaigns supporting election deniers, per data gleaned from Open Secrets:
Although the Koch-funded Super Pac AFP Action had suggested it would not back election deniers after 6 January, analysts aren’t shocked given Koch’s lobbying and legislative priorities, which include fighting various tax and regulatory measures related to fossil fuel issues including climate change that affect the company’s bottom line.
Koch spent $12.2m last year on lobbying – more than any other oil and gas company during 2021.
“Like other corporations pledging change following January 6, Koch Industries has returned to business as usual,” said Sheila Krumholz, who leads OpenSecrets.” Without repercussions and continued public attention, companies will go back to funding politicians who support their agenda.”
Reporters did find one former Koch-funded activist (emphasis on former) with concerns:
“When the only elected officials who will carry your political water are proto-fascists, what is one to do?” said Jerry Taylor, a former vice-president at the Cato Institute in DC where he oversaw climate and energy issues. “Charles Koch has made his choice. This self-proclaimed voice of freedom and liberty has apparently decided that advancing the public policies he desires is more important than democracy.
“His choice is not unlike the choices that most German industrialists made in the Weimar Republic.”
Get a rocket, how bout it, Charlie?
Thankfully, writes Mark Leibovich in The Atlantic, in most states “it’s nearly impossible to pass yourself off as an election-denying January 6 truther and still be taken seriously by a majority of voters.”
Still, “Ain’t no Jack S. like OUR Jack S.!” has pertained since before Al Capp’s Sen. Jack S. Phogbound. The residents of Lower Slobbovia can be expected to reelect the Marjorie Taylor Greenes and Lauren Boeberts even if their districts are not grossly gerrymandered.
Leibovich eaxmines how Republican Senate candidates Marco Rubio, Dr. Mehmet Oz, and J.D. Vance each reached the “tipping point of stupid” in their efforts to win election. Each had to swap kissing babies for kissing Donald Trump’s ass. They have much to answer for. Don’t count on MAGA voters to make them answer. As for the majority? We’ll have to wait for November.
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