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I’m so old I remember when we had a panic about Sharia Law

The same people want the Bible to rule America

Pew Surveys asked whether people think the country should be a “Christian Nation” and 45% said it should. That’s an astonishing number considering that the First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion. Some of it is attributable to historical ignorance and a misunderstanding of what “Christian Nationalism” means but plenty of these people are on board with the Orban-style definition, which includes xenophobia, antisemitism, anti-feminism and authoritarianism.

Note that 27% of Americans believe the Bible should have more influence than the will of the people. Of course, most of those people also worship Donald Trump, the lying libertine, but they figure he’s their lying libertine so it’s all good. And their definition of “Bible influence” really means doing whatever they say, whether it has anything to do with the Bible or not. Their idea of theocracy is to use religion as a bludgeon to keep everyone else in line.It’s not Biblical for most of them although they’ll insist it is. If it was they wouldn’t have voted for Donald Trump which I would bet the vast, vast majority did.

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