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The next battlefield in the war on women

Yes, they are coming for your birth control. Of course they are. He’s referring to the response to this this innocuous medical information about the birth control pill:

National Review writer Alexandra DeSanctis Marr replied:

This is delusional. If you look into this topic even the tiniest bit, you’ll find more and more women realizing that birth control is *not* treatment — and in fact it entails a whole host of unpleasant health consequences that doctors and Planned Parenthood like to ignore.

There’s a lot to unpack here including that *of course* Planned Parenthood is out here hawking birth control, because that’s how they make money and then profit later from abortions when women somehow end up unexpectedly pregnant anyway — whoops!

Suppressing female fertility is not a solution to any of the problems PP lists, and don’t just take my word for it. Tons and tons of secular women and experts are starting to wake up to how the pill is at best ineffective “health care” and at worst actively harmful.

I mean the pill is literally labeled “carcinogenic” but we’re all supposed to ignore that so women can keep themselves sterile and sexually available 🤷🏻‍♀️

Originally tweeted by Alexandra DeSanctis Marr (@xan_desanctis) on November 16, 2022.

“Sterile and sexually available.” Others might call that … freedom. And golly, whenever a woman decides she wants to have children she can just stop taking it and then she’s no longer “sterile.” But she is sexually available to whomever she wants to be sexually available to. The horror.

And by the way, bemoaning the fact that the pill doesn’t prevent pregnancy with 100% effectiveness, making abortion a necessary backstop, is quite the mental backflip. She apparently believes in the old “I believe in the pill, just tell the ladies to hold it between their knees” line of thought.

There is a method to the madness:

Don’t kid yourself. They have an entire industry filled with True Believers ready to march.

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