President Zelensky came to DC today to thank the US for support and make the case for why it should continue. For the most part, the American people and their leaders want to continue to help because most people are not morons who have no clue about history or any empathy for anyone but people exactly like them. But there are those who are. And they would be happy to see genocide in Ukraine at the hand of their great friends in Russia.
Apparently the right(and some members of the putative left) still believe that Vladimir Putin is a great guy who can do not wrong — mainly because he hates LGBTQ people, journalists and any political opposition. And needless to say they are fine with invading a sovereign country. In this one way they aren’t hypocrites. These are the same people who cheered the US invading Iraq, after all.
Anyway, meet your classy new leaders of the Republican party:

In light of what we’ve learned about his company and his daddy’s tax evasion, I think he might want to shut his piehole.
I don’t even know what to say about this one:

She has no idea what she’s talking about and neither does that ignoramus Don Jr. All of which would be fine if they weren’t hugely influential in the Republican Party. These are the voices of the base and the Trump cult. God help us if they get more power.
Oh my god:
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